The Day After…

Live long & prosper!🖖Thanks for all the congratulations yesterday! I was so emotional holding my book for the 1st time, I’d a full #Irish breakfast to recover! An enormous thank you for my STUNNING flowers @ps_livingstone @WizardofAmoria! Such a surprise (I ugly cried again)😂😂 #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #irishauthors #Irishauthorsofinstagram #Irishbookstagram #Irishbook #Irishbookstagrammer #horrorstories #shortstories #horrorreaders #horrorwritersofinstagram … Read more

The Writing Process…

Process, as a writer, is a tough nut to crack. Being an author is not a career with a clear path. You can go to college to get a Masters in Creative Writing, but even that still won’t make you an author. I think that finding your own process, figuring out what works for you, … Read more

Why I Write…

Sometimes, when I sit and realise the sheer amount of time and work that I put into writing on top of my day job, it can often feel soooo overwhelming! I just recorded my IG stories for the day and I was jumping between the short story I’m editing, how I find comp authors to … Read more

Why Bother Writing?

A tough day to think about the future… And it’s hard to be creative everyday, to write and plan out a whole book series, and publish it myself (under my own imprint, Thunderloft Press). I’m often asked, how I keep going? How do I stay the course, even when things look so bleak? The answer … Read more

Today’s Writing Workspace

My workspace tends to change about the house, depending what I’m working on or what part of the writing process is on the cards. Right now, I’m launching the first BLOOD BRUTE book, RISE OF ONE, hence the big A3 notebook for my marketing calendar leading up to the 15th Dec launch. I’m also outlining … Read more

What I’m Thankful For…

Being Irish is something that I’m hugely thankful for. Not just for the basic stuff, like the country’s stability that’s such a contrast to the US and UK on either side of us, but Ireland’s literary history & strong writing tradition has definitely influenced & helped me get to where I am today. And I’m … Read more

Welcome New Followers!

Hi new followers! I’m Eve, writing as Dixon Reuel. I’m all about #indie #publishing, #writing exactly what your want to #write about, and honouring the story that pops into your head 🧡 RISE OF ONE, the first title in my BLOOD BRUTE series, launched 15th December and is already available for preorder in all bookstores! … Read more

FINDING HOME is now published!

And that’s BLOOD BRUTE’s other prequel, FINDING HOME, completed and published and released into the world! I hope everybody enjoys this insight into the coven’s life before the events of the first book, RISE OF ONE! FINDING HOME is available from an array of ebook retailers (Amazon, Google Play, Kobo etc) at this link: … Read more

RISE OF ONE is 90% Complete!

And Rise of One is back from proofing! All edits are also complete! Now it’s time to move onto formatting and getting the final files uploaded to Amazon, Apple, Kobo, B&N, etc. all in time for release! Rise of One, first book in the Blood Brute series, is out 15th December! Preorder now: