
Today, there was no focus. There was some gaming & goofing off in Minecraft Realms. But, for the past week that I’ve had off work, there’s been plenty of focus. I treated my holiday from my IRL job as if I was a real full-time author and put in the hours to work on the … Read more


I’m currently working hard on the outline for Book 2 of the Blood Brute series. Having a vision for not just this book, keeping in mind all of the last book, but for the remaining three books, too! When a reader gives you their time and money to read one of your books, I take … Read more

Words of Encouragement…

Get out of your own way. This was my response to a Twitter post earlier this week, asking what advice would one #writer give to another. And I think that’s the biggest piece of advice I could give anyone, let alone another writer or other #creator: Get out of your own way. In truth, no … Read more

Wind Down…

After a whole day in front of the screen (and after going a bit cross-eyed!), I always want to turn to something offline and hands-on for the evening. Crochet, knitting, any kind of yarn work fits the bill. It’s something my hands can work away at while my poor little brain keeps on novel-ing and … Read more

Question Time!

Do you like to see behind the scenes of a #writer‘s desk? I know some don’t wanna see how the fiction they enjoy is created. But, to me, it’s fun to show the world just what goes into writing a #bookseries while juggling a full-time job. Today, I’m at one of the upstairs computers – … Read more

What’s happening at the #writing desk today?

Well, there’s the usual work of my full-time job (and that’s WFH, so that’s good!). I’ve further marketing to do on RISE OF ONE’s launch (15th Dec! 😍), and some edits I want to keep poking at on my #scifi #shortstory, QUENCH DEFIANCE… …but I also have a medical appointment to attend today. In the … Read more

Finding Home – Read Now!

FINDING HOME is a prequel #shortstory to my upcoming Blood Brute series & introduces the Vampire Rise, his coven, & their human, the pampered Cypriot. Available at your choice of book retailer: 🤖 🤖 As WWI drains young men from their villages, a #vampire comes to town… #writingcommunity #writerlift #writerslift #lgbt #bookaholic #AmEditing #booklover … Read more

The Instant ‘No’!

Something I see more and more as I waddle along this #indiepublishing journey is the instant reaction from other writers, other creatives, at the mere suggestion of trying something different, of changing their perspective, of implementing an easy improvement for huge gains and rewards. “Embracing social media is good for a writer and could-?” NOPE … Read more

November Business Update

As November winds its way towards December and the festive season, a quick update on business here at Dixon Reuel headquarters: 🦇 My author proof of RISE OF ONE (BLOOD BRUTE Book 1) arrived the other day! Changes and edits have already been made, and I eagerly await the final proof copy in the post. … Read more