⁠ I can’t believe that a whole month has passed since RISE OF ONE published & released into the world!⁠ I’m blown away by all of the support, great reviews, fab photos, and all the feedback that I’ve gotten in the last four weeks. I’m hard at work on Book 2 at the moment–the outline … Read more

Blood Brute Prequel News!

The 1st year of my History Degree coincided with the 100 year anniversary of #WorldWarI. Finding Home (a Blood Brute #prequel #short story) was inspired by this anniversary – it’s set in the early days of #WWI, where the #Vampire Rise & his coven flee to England to set up a new home. Available ‘wide’ … Read more

How much is too much?

This is something I’m grappling with lately, as reviews for Rise of One come in. Some readers naturally expected a lot more horror elements to the story, more gore, more blood & guts & slaying zombies. But then others have praise the story’s ‘quietness’, its ‘eeriness’ in light of what else is out there on … Read more

Today is Women’s Christmas / Nollaig na mBan!

The 6th January is traditionally when the Xmas decorations come down and the festivities are finally over for another year. During Nollaig na mBan, women put their feet up, chat with friends, and don’t do any housework or cooking. So, take note, ladies of the internet! While I’m sad to see the tree & lights … Read more

Three Weeks Old! 🥳

Three weeks ago my first book, Rise of One, released into the world! It’s funny that sooo much time has (apparently!) passed, and yet it sometimes feels like the book hasn’t published at all and I’d better hurry up and release it! 2020 made all time feel so strange, I’m afraid. Anyway, sales have been … Read more

Look what arrived!

A stunning copy of The Man With a Fox at His Back by Chani Petro! This isn’t the first Kickstarter of hers that I’ve supported, I’m delighted to also own The Heart of an Elk. The art style is just stunning, the storylines so creepy and etherial. Chani’s work is available over on Amazon, but … Read more

Calendar Complete!

I’ve posted before about the giant A3 calendar that I created for November / December, leading up to the launch of Rise of One. And, with the stroke of midnight on 31st December 2020, I finished it, crossing off the very last day! This crazy calendar was a trial run, a test to see if … Read more

Goodbye 2020!

As the first year of a new decade, I was fully prepared to head into 2020 ready for action and huge change. Of course, we all know how that went! Still, I’m a stubborn old hag: when the going gets tough, I dig in my heels and *MAKE* good stuff happen, even if all around … Read more

Overcoming Struggle

2020 has been a year where we’ve had to confront so many aspects of our lives that just aren’t working for us. Sure, I published my first novel which was a great success & I’ve some wonderful personal news that I’ll talk about soon. But 2020 has also confronted me with my bad habits: procrastination, … Read more

Xmas Lull

Literal footage of me trying to keep everything from slipping off the sofa while taking a selfie! I adore this lull between Xmas & New Years, it really gives me life. I’m hard at work planning my writing, publishing, & even personal goals / adventures for next year. If you’ve subscribed to my newsletter, check … Read more