Cover Reveal – Rise of One!

After so long, I’m delighted to reveal the finalized cover of Blood Brute‘s first book, Rise of One! Expertly designed by the amazing @MissNatMack, Rise of One‘s cover reflects the zombies that have infected the world of our vampire coven. The blue-violet hue twins with the vampire Rise’s eyes. The pale background cover is reflective … Read more

Finding Home is 66% Complete!

A free prequel to my The Blood Brute Series, Finding Home, is now two-thirds complete. I’m doing a final re-read before I send it off for proofing and formatting. Add Finding Home, On the Edge of Salt and Rise of One to your Goodreads To Be Read list to be notified of launch, regardless of … Read more

Rise of One is 66% Complete!

Book 1 of The Blood Brute Series, Rise of One, is now two-thirds complete. I’m doing a final re-read of the manuscript in hardcopy, before I send it off for proofing and formatting. Things are heating up for Rise and his vampire coven: “Old man, there are always survivors after the collapse of big things,” … Read more

Book Research!

Salt & salt circles play a pivotal role throughout the Blood Brute series ( and, as I outline & draft Book 2, I also research the occult & historical use of salt. In Rise of One, the vampire coven live in the beautiful redbrick smallholding of Owl Court. When our coven first moved in, back … Read more


When a zombie apocalypse ravages the world, head vampire Rise rescues human survivors to feed his coven. But apocalypse survivors are not the type to be merely food. Nor could they ever befriend the coven’s lone human, the beautiful and pampered Cypriot. ​When Warwolves, an ancient order of vampire hunters, infiltrate the rescued survivors, Rise resolves … Read more

First Post!

Hello, I’m Science Fiction & Speculative Fiction author, Dixon Reuel! Welcome to my repository of everything wonderful, creative, inspiring, and motivational I’ve found across the Internet! This blog is designed to finally control my MASSIVE collection of website bookmarks, YouTube ‘Watch Later’ videos, Medium’s ‘Read Later’ articles, and all of the other odd links I’ve … Read more