Celebrate Every Achievement

Something I’m a bit evangelical about is making sure I log each and every success (and failure, which we can always learn from!) along this #indie #publishing journey. No matter how big or small, or how much it might be ‘looked down on’ by other writers further along their careers, or writers who’ve found success … Read more

Sharing My Process

I’m a plotter. There’s no other way for me to write. In fact, I kind consider my (detailed, handwritten!) outline to be almost a first draft in and of itself. To me, it’s very important that I don’t waste my reader’s time. That’s why, at the start of every #writing project, I sit down and … Read more

Why I Do What I Do

Why bother #writing at all? Why go to all the trouble of–on top of a full-time job and everything else that life throws at you–to put in all the effort and work of #indie #publishing Blood Brute, a whole book series dedicated to #vampires surviving a #zombie #apocalypse? Well, simply, because I know that no … Read more

Answering Your Questions…

I’m often asked–and, indeed, I often ask myself!–how do I work full-time AND also a) write an ongoing book series (Blood Brute, check it out *finger guns), b) work a legal job where diligence and accuracy are key, c) run the #indie #publishing and #marketing side of said book series, d) also keep up with … Read more

Behind the Scenes…

I’m like a magpie when it comes to collecting images, designs, artifacts… anything that inspires my next story. I collect them all behind the scenes of my writing, filing them away in respective folders and docs until needed. Usually, the end up on my Pinterest boards, too (find me over there as DixonReuel). I found … Read more

Rise of One is 75% Done!

After my manuscript’s final re-read, Rise of One went off to my proofreading editor. Well, it’s back! Time to do the final, FINAL edit of Rise, then I crack on into formatting! Rise of One is currently available for preorder, releasing 15th December 2020 -> http://bit.ly/RiseOfOne Happy reading! -Dixon Reuel

What I’m Thankful For…

It’s when the weekend hits that all the hours I’ve put in at my full-time job AND at writing / indie publishing… that’s when they all catch up with me! It’s hard juggling two big things at once. Some days I even thrive on the buzz and adrenaline. But, always when the weekend comes, that’s … Read more

Finding Home is 90% Complete!

The second prequel to my Blood Brute Series, Finding Home, is just about done! I’m doing a final check of its formatting before I send it off for publishing. Finding Home is available from Amazon, Kobo, Google Books & many other retailers on 19th October 2020! Add to your TBR list on Goodreads or preorder … Read more